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5 Most Common Myths About Home Renovations in 2019
If you have been living in the same house for several years, those four walls can feel outdated
and mundane. Renovations can revive and give your home an entire makeover that would also
increase the value of your property on the market. Whether you want a few changes for your
family’s comfort or are planning to sell, you should always do research to find the best
Cambridge builders in your area while avoiding these myths to get the most return on your
Saving Money by Doing It Yourself
There are times when you might be tempted to use your own construction skills to save some
money rather than hiring a private contractor. This is a considerable risk because you could
either finish the project yourself or cause significant damages that will require a much larger
budget for you to fix. You will save money hiring professionals, at least to let them give you a
hand. Any unauthorized DIY renovation projects can turn into a nightmare quickly. If you are
unsure or have limited skills, look up the best builders in Cambridge with the highest rating, and
you will never be disappointed.
Any Home Renovation Is Good
Not all renovations are equal or will increase the value of your property. Some might even
reduce the value if you plan on selling in the future. You could have eccentric tastes that others
may not like. Before asking any builders in Cambridge to make unconventional changes to your
home, think about whether these renovations will appeal to buyers if you eventually put the
property on the market.
Expensive Materials Attract Sales
When you plan renovations, you should always try and save money where possible. Using
expensive materials does enhance quality and endurance, but you should not purposely use
them to attract buyers in the future. Too many costly materials used during renovations will
increase how much your house is worth, but it could price out a lot of families from buying.
They might find it too expensive to invest when they just want an affordable home to raise their
children. If you do want some costly materials, use them for exterior renovations to make your
home look more desirable. For example, a lot of people find gazebos very attractive for
planning outdoor parties for friends on a beautiful and sunny day.
Adding A Pool Boosts Value
While swimming pools are exciting and the kids love having them to invite all their friends from
school, there is a lot of upkeep that many people underestimate. Adding a swimming pool
might not guarantee that buyers will find your property more appealing. There is a ton of work
involved in looking after a pool unless you can hire a maintenance company to regularly clean
and take care of it. Most people would rather not have this added expense, especially since the
climate in England is very cold and wet, and there are not too many days in a year that the pool
can be used.
Following the Latest Trends
There are many home renovation and design ideas that you might read about in magazines, but
trends are always fleeting. What is fashionable or in-demand now may not be desired at all the
following year. If you do want to upgrade to some design changes, make sure they timeless and
straightforward. Not everybody will prefer leopard print disco rooms, even if a celebrity like
Paris Hilton has one in her home. If you get vibrant coloured tiles in the kitchen, a buyer might consider replacing them because they might prefer traditional patterns.